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Wolfskins was a being born of the earth, created from the soil of this place. She came as she needed to, journeying through time to reach me. She came from the long line of women who transform to animal, standing alongside the likes of La Loba and myths like the Selkie. Part women part wolf, she shed her cloak and became one within, accompanied by her fragmented sisters of this lost space.


Make of this creature as you like: her story lives within me, but her story is also yours.


Will you this path with me?

Yeh-kor stund yn y morgen
(decision time, in the morning)

A moment emerges,
through the time that is taken exploring a self.
Made from the fairytales of childhood,
we blend the fragments with our futures,
a tale told in folkloric interest,
a whisper told of each other.

What is this story? They ask it so softly,
I tell them my answer in the only way I know how,
a movement of the hand,
that twist of the hip.
I ask you to follow my body
and the way that I dance.

Ahn yeng ga, wess hall, roon word yn y bahn vat
(Solitary walker, lone walker, mystery story in the bodily vessel)

Find me in the playground,
the forest that once was home.
Can you taste the scent on your lips?
I’m here waiting for you,
in the darkness of memories,
can you sit in reminiscence?
We can reimagine what these might mean,
a future retold, rebirthed in a new nature.

That hunger on your skin,
do you remember its lost voice?
I found it within,
here where the belly blends deep,
here where the fragments of skin bend with fur,
is it animal or human? Perhaps, something more.

Bahn hoos, o’r bload, o’r feh h’th
(Bonehouse of the body, of the blood, of the spirit)

What is this space between?
Where there is more action than reaction,
where there is thought rooted in peace.
Am I here? I ask
when I see your face following me?
Will you join me? I ask,
as I walk to the grounds of remembrance.


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