blackout, goodnight
Blackout poetry of the prime minister's first statement concerning the coronavirus. My interpretation was to highlight the impacts our country is facing in the aftermath of COVID-19 that were so often ignored by those who were meant to protect us and our families.

The biggest threat
this country, the world,
this invisible killer.
To fight the approach without growth,
enough enough enough.
Other countries is the real danger,
to put it simply,
unable to die,
but slow the way,
we reduce at any one time,
protect the people,
the time had come,
do more.
The critical thing, between
why people will allow
the limited necessities
one form of your needs
to help and cannot be done.
That's all.
Should you
not live in your home
be as you can
Powers to enforce,
disperse gatherings,
ensure compliance with instruction,
we will exclude you,
stop, including but excluding.
Enact measures,
the damage is and will do,
support both I can assure you,
restrict again.
Easy options and many lives will be lost,
day by day, the time you buy,
increasing, accelerating, pioneering.
Buying millions to turn the tide flat,
workers on the frontline.
This fight is enlisted
obliged to join,
to protect lives as the past,
the people we will beat,